Friday, May 20, 2011

magazine crazy

I'll admit it, Sam and I are magazine crazy!  We love looking at magazines.  My favorite time to catch up on all the home organization and fitness magazines out there is either at the airport, at the pool or when doing long cardio sessions in the gym.  I always keep the latest one  with me so I can pull it out and flip through a few pages while waiting....anywhere:) 

So, I have a tip for you guys, instead of throwing away all your magazines as soon as your read them or letting them pile up for ages and ages because you swear you are going back to look at article or recipe.  Try what I'm doing.  I have a large binder divided in three sections (or I suppose you could get three binders)  whenever I see exercises I like or want to remember, I clip out that page and put it in the binder. Now I have volumes and volumes of workout idea's!  Use the other sections for recipe idea's and decorating ideas.  I'll be honest that I never get around to decorating, but I do try the recipe's and I consult the exercise portion all the time!  Let me know what you think, would something like this be useful to you?  Does anyone else out there even still read magazines?

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered another way to keep these clippings AND save space! Using the Evernote app on my iPhone, I was able to take pictures of all the moves I liked from a Redbook article. It stores them all in my Fitness folder for access anywhere anytime! Has anyone else used Evernote (free basic app) for things like this?
